Summer Breeze

Summer Breeze


By Eric Maccario, bartender at the Buddha Bar, Monaco

Recipe created for the mixology contest by Distilleries and Domaines de Provence - June 4th, 2024

Ingredients :

30 ml Rinquinquin

30 ml Gin XII

30 ml homemade apricot syrup

20 ml homemade rosmary syrup

Homemade soda (apricot, rosmary) to top 

Garnish : roasted rosmary, caramelised apricot

Method : 

In the shaker, put the Rinquinquin, the Gin XII and the syrups. Shake and pour in a glass. 

Top with the homemade soda.

Garnish with a twig of rosmary and half an apricot layered with sugar. Roast both with a kitchen blowtorch so as to caramelize the sugar on apricot and express the fragrance of the rosmary.

© Recipe : Eric Maccario, @eric_maccario

© Photo : Julie Girardet,

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