Ravioli with mackerel fillets flambé with Pastis Henri Bardouin saffron sauce
For 4 people
300 gr of wheat flour T55
300 g of rice flour or potato starch
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of salt
700 gr of mackerel
50 cl of fresh cream
1 yellow onion
5 cl of Pastis Henri Bardouin
15 saffron pistils
Preparation of the dough:
In a mixer, pour 300 g flour and 1 teaspoon salt. Gradually add the 2 eggs using the robot for 4 to 5 minutes.
If the dough is too dry, incorporate water in small amounts until it is homogeneous and rather hard. It should not stick to the fingers, add a little flour if necessary.
Make a ball, film and reserve in the refrigerator.
Preparation of the stuffing:
Cut the mackerel fillets and remove all the edges.
In large skillet, sauté minced onion and mackerel fillets (about 5 min) with olive oil.
Water with 5 cl of pastis Henri Bardouin and flambé.
Add the cream, saffron, and reduce so that the cream becomes creamy.
Tip: for the cream to take a nice saffron color, turn off the heat under the pan when the cream has reduced, wait about 15 minutes and heat again for 5 minutes.
Manufacture of ravioli:
Take the ball of dough and cut it in half. Using a pasta machine, spread the first part of the dough, fold it and iron it in the rolling mill. Repeat the process until you obtain a perfectly smooth paste without bending marks.
You can then begin to refine the dough to obtain a long sheet about 1mm thick.
Using a cookie cutter about 6 cm in diameter, print without cutting the locations of the future ravioli.
Crumble the stuffing by hand. With two large spoons, put small piles of stuffing in the center of the prints.
Tip: Reserve the stuffing in the refrigerator so that the cream freezes a bit, it will be easier to dispose in piles in the center of future ravioli.
Spread a second sheet of dough, and put it on the first one. Hunt the air by sticking the two sheets of dough.
Cut the ravioli with the cookie cutter and remove the useless dough and reserve it.
Flour ravioli with gluten-free flour so they do not stick (rice flour, potato starch).
Boil slightly salted water, immerse the ravioli for about 2 minutes.
It is best to taste, as cooking can vary considerably depending on the thickness and moisture of the dough.
© photo : Daniel Luperini from the Food Truck « L’Emporte-Pâtes »
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