Fillets of perch, sauce in the Pastis Henri Bardouin and spring vegetables
Ingredients :
Preparation :
Bring the wine to a boil with all the ingredients including the dill. Lower the fire, let reduce in env. 1 ½ dl, to filter. Dilute the cornstarch with the Pastis Henri Bardouin, add by moving in the whip. Incorporate the crème fraiche, bring to a boil. Lowerthe fire, let simmer env. 5 min, to season.
Warm the butter, annoy shallots. Add the fennel and the carrots and get back. Add the water, let simmer under cover env. 5 min by keeping crisp, to season.
Make warm the butter to be roasted in an antiadhesive frying pan. Seize fish filets by portions approximately 1 minute on each side, salt.
Ideal with the white rice or the English-style potatoes.
Photo credit: Adobe Stock - HLPhoto
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