Crayfish with HB Pastis and basil
Serves 4
• 300 g of penne
• 1 kg of crayfish
• 1 onion
• 1 sprig of thyme
• 1 bay leaf
• 1 carrot
• 1 tomato
• 2 sprigs of fresh basil
• 2 teaspoons of HB Pastis
• 200 g of mushrooms (preferably oyster mushrooms, otherwise button mushrooms)
• ¼ liter of chicken stock
• 1 tablespoons of crème fleurette or single cream
• 2 knobs of butter
• Salt, pepper
Preparation: 25 mins. Cooking time: 25 mins.
Prepare a court-bouillon with two liters of water, the onion, thyme, bay leaf and sliced carrot. Bring to the boil.
Devein the crayfish: to remove the digestive tract take hold of the central part of its tail, give a quarter turn and gently pull. The black filament should come away. It helps if you hold the crayfish flat on the table when doing this. Remove the shell and set aside the tails.
Cook the penne in 3 liters of salted boiling water for approximately 5 mins. Keep warm.
In a frying pan reduce the HB Pastis at a low temperature until you have a syrup (method known as réduire à glace), add the seeded, peeled and crushed tomato and the roughly chopped basil. Moisten with the chicken stock.
Add the crayfish tails, simmer for 5 mins. Peel the mushrooms, slice finely and add them to the pan with a knob of butter. Cook for about 10 minutes.
Remove the crayfish. To finish the sauce, add the cream and mushrooms, stir in the rest of the butter, season with salt and pepper.
Place a ring of penne on each plate. Fill the center of each ring with crayfish. Coat with the sauce.
© photo : iStock - susieswe
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