Cake in the dry figs and in the pastis Henri Bardouin by Pierre Psaltis

Cake in the dry figs and in the pastis Henri Bardouin by Pierre Psaltis

For 6 people


• 200 g of soft dry figs
• 100 g of caster sugar
• 100 g of flour 
• 100 g of cornstarch
• 200 g of butter
• 2 eggs
• 2 coffee spoons of baking powder
• 2 big coffee spoons of seeds of green anise
• 1 soup spoon of pastis Henri Bardouin.


Cut figs in pieces.
In a bowl, beat the sugar with whole eggs and pastis.
In a bowl, to melt the butter in microwaves, let it cool and add the mixture of flour, figs, the green anise, and the mixture œufs / sweetens.
Pay the preparation into a buttered and floured loaf pan.
Put in the oven in an oven meadow warmed in 170°C during approximately 45 minutes.
© Photo : Pierre Psaltis

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