Asparagus to Domaine of Roques Hautes, Praires de la Baie du Mont Saint Michel
Ingredients (for 10 people):
Asparaguses :
• 30 green asparaguses or 10 very big asparaguses
• 1 soup spoon of olive oil of the Leases
• 1 soup spoon of salt and pepper
• 1 soup spoon of water
The cream of asparagus soup :
• 300 gr of fineries of asparaguses
• 200 gr of water
• 50 gr of slightly salted butter
• 50 gr of cream
• 50 gr of cleared spinach
• 3 gr of seeds of green anise
• 1 soup spoon of salt
• 5 cl of pastis Henri Bardouin
Clams :
• 30 clams
• 50 gr olive oil of Baux
The oil of fennel:
• 100 gr of oil of grape seed
• 50 gr of sling of fennel
• 25 gr of cleared spinach
Preparation :
Asparaguses :
Peel and crown asparaguses.
Steam them 3 minutes then season them of a dash of olive oil of flower of salt and pepper of Sarawack.
Have on plates.
The cream of asparagus soup :
Clear the fineries of asparaguses for which or soft.
Place all the ingredients in one pans and bring to a boil.
Mix deeply then cross in the Chinese stamen.
Verify the texture then season of salt.
Clams :
Wash and déssabler clams several times to eliminate the sand.
Steam them 2 minutes only.
Open them immediately then book them in their juice with a dash of olive oil.
The oil of fennel :
Mix all the ingredients deeply by paying attention not to warm the set.
Cross in the Chinese stamen and reserve for the cool.
The training :
Raise in soup plates by placing clams then asparaguses on the softness, decorate with sheets of spinach and the peelings of fennel, pay a dash of oil of fennel on every plate.
© photo : restaurant Quinsou
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