Alpine by Arnaud Tarabout, mixologist (Paris)
Ingredients :
1 oz Vermouth from Forcalquier
0.5 oz Bitter de Chambéry (Dolin)
0.5 oz Bellecour Bitter-Amer (Bigallet)
0.5 oz China-China (Bigallet)
0.5 oz Sepia Amer (Audemus)
Method :
By the glass
photo : @arnaudtarabout
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Vermouth de Forcalquier
75 cl - 18°
Vermouth de Forcalquier is an aromatized wine made with absinthe and vivacious, bitter plants and spices (lemon balm, mint, mugwort, green aniseed, cinnamon, coriander and pink peppercorns).
Vermouth de Forcalquier is a full-flavoured aperitif in a superb vintage style bottle.