Provençal Coffee

Provençal Coffee

Very easy

By Thomas, Bar Manager Le Verre à Mélange, Marseille 

Ingredients : 

60 ml Filtered coffee (hot)

10 ml Simple syrup

30 ml Gin XII Coffee

30 ml whipped coconut cream

Technique : Built drink

Glass : Absente glass/big stem glass

Method :

- Whip the cold coconut cream (with a whisk or shake in a shaker with 3 cubes of ice until the ice is completely melted).

- Pour all the ingredients except the whipped cream in the glass.

- Mix with a barspoon.

- Finish by adding two tablespoon of whipped coconut cream on top.

- Garnish with three beans of coffee.

© Photo : Hélène, Le Verre à Mélange, Marseille