Olive Preserves and Farigoule Liqueur Soufflé

Olive Preserves and Farigoule Liqueur Soufflé


For 4 people

•    4 tablespoons of olive preserves
•    20 g of slivered almonds
•    20 g of black olives in brine, seeds removed
•    1 tablespoon of honey
•    4 tablespoons of Farigoule liqueur (Provençal thyme-based specialty)
•    4 sprigs of lemon thyme
•    4 egg whites
•    2 egg yolks
•    1 teaspoon of olive oil
•    2 tablespoons of sugar


Remove olive seeds, cut olives into thin sticks. Plunge them into cold water, bring it to a rolling boil.
Drain. Repeat 4 times. Coat the olive sticks, almonds and lemon thyme leaves with melted honey. Keep warm.
In a casserole, mix the pastry cream, olive jelly, and Farigoule liqueur and allow it to become lukewarm. Add the olive sticks, almonds and egg yolks. Oil the molds before coating them with caster sugar.
Pour excess sugar into the egg whites beaten into stiff peaks.
Add all ingredients to it.
Garnish the molds.
Place in 200°C oven for about 15 minutes.

© photo : @JeanSong - Adobe Stock

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