


Ingredients for a 2 Liters cask :

400 ml Pisco

380 ml Verjuice

170 ml Simple Syrup

280 ml Water

200 ml Rinquinquin, peach aperitiv 

550 g Watermelon

35 g fresh Basil

Method :

Cut the watermelon into dices.

Fill a 2 Liters pressure tight cask with all the ingredients and place it in the freezer for 24 hours.

Defrost, then filter with a superbag or through a dish towel.

Store in the fridge.

Before serving, pour 100ml in a mixing glass to cool it down and finish the dilution. Then transfer in a glass with ice and garnish with a nice basil leaf.  

© recipe and photo : Jean Michel Schibeny, Head Bartender, Arbane Cocktail Bar - Paris

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